May242022Archive As Maria was working on Blog 4, I happened upon an article about photographer Edward Burtynksy, who is of Ukrainian descent and still has family there. He was scheduled to photograph in Ukraine this year for other reasons than the war. His work has been postponed. He said of what is happening in Ukraine and Russia, and that Maria’s blog speaks directly to, “Unbelievable, the amount of hate and trauma that’s being inflicted. [Putin]’s destroying the future of a whole generation of Russians and traumatizing the whole country of Ukraine. It’ll take generations to heal.” Click to go to Blog: Category: ArchiveBy Clayton CampbellMay 24, 2022 Author: Clayton Campbell Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Letters In Exile,#3NextNext post:Letters In Exile, #5Related PostsDigital Arts BlogJuly 13, 2023Racial ReckoningJanuary 27, 2023Letters In Exile, #6May 24, 2022Letters In Exile, #5May 24, 2022Letters In Exile,#3May 24, 2022The Eye of Photography – Wild KingdomApril 9, 2022