Letters In Exile, #6
Click to go to Blog #6 https://artillerymag.com/letters-in-exile-no-6/
Click to go to Blog #6 https://artillerymag.com/letters-in-exile-no-6/
Artists are experiencing a sense of gratitude for the unexpected support and basic kindness shown to them. In the midst of exile and displacement, often the best of humanity reasserts itself. As Maria says in her fifth blog, “So many of my friends and colleagues who were also forced to leave Russian and Ukraine tell…
Click to go to Blog: https://artillerymag.com/letters-in-exile-no-4/
Click here to go to blog #3 https://artillerymag.com/letters-in-exile-no-3/
Wild Kingdom photos featured in The Eye of Photography, September 19, 2021
April 7, 2022 The soul of the arts in Russia is withering. In Ukraine it is being obliterated, literally. In this second blog, Maria is speaking to the loss of personal freedoms occurring in Russia that is deeply disturbing and another fall out of the war. In Ukraine, the loss of life and destruction of…
“No War”- Moscow protestor under surveillance Blog by Maria Agureeva, Edited by Clayton Campbell, #1, March 30, 2022 Click here to go to blog https://artillerymag.com/lettersinexile/
March 19, 2022 The Eye of Photography featured my new work, Trance of Thoughts.
This essay was published first in the ARCAthens newsletter in May of 2020 at the height of the pandemic in New York. It was in June released on the Res Artis website at https://resartis.org/res-artis-news/ On March 11, my partner and I flew from our home in Philadelphia to Santa Fe, New Mexico to see a…